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The most tropical of blends, to be enjoyed hot or cold. We combine our special Organic Yerba Mate with chips of banana, coconut flakes, grated coconut and guarana seeds, achieving a sweet and tropical Blend.

A tropical Blend to sweeten your summer afternoons!

Environmentally friendly packaging, FSC cardboard, sustainable and recyclable. 250g tin


 El más tropical de los blends, para disfrutar frío o caliente. A nuestra Yerba Mate Orgánica especial la combinamos con chips de
banana, coco en escamas, coco rallado y semillas de guaraná, logrando un Blend dulce y tropical.

Un Blend tropical para endulzar tus tardes de verano!

Envase amigable con el medio ambiente, de cartón FSC, sustentable y reciclable.

Yerba Mate Tropical Coco Mate and Co, tin

$35.00 Regular Price
$19.95Sale Price
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