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Please note: product went through temperature changes during shipping. For this reason its discounted and the shape and colour may have changed. However, flavour is the same!

Chocolate tableta para preparar chocolate en taza Inca's food.

Bar 97g

El chocolate fue expuesto a cambios de temperatura y el azucar esta granulada, por eso hemos descontado el producto el 30%. Esta en muy buenas condiciones pero aclaramos esto ya que no aceptamos devoluciones.


Chocolate bar to prepare hot chocolate. Please note that this product has been exposed to changes in temperature and as a result, the sugar is granulated; however the qualities of the chocolate hasn't changed. We have discounted 30% OFF this product as a result, but will not accept returns, so please make sure you are ok with this before purchasing, thanks.

Chocolate Cuzco Inca's Food (read description)

Out of Stock
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