Condimento para preparar Chimichurri. Sirve para condimentar legumbres, pescados, hamburguesas, encurtidos, escabeches, carnes, asado, achuras.
Presentsación de 50g.
Ingredientes: aji molido, ajo deshidratado, perejil, oregano, pimenton, sal y laurel. No es picante.
Modo de preparacion: coloque una parte de chimichurri Yuspe, una parte de agua y una parte de vinagre. Deje hidratar los condimentos. Agregue sal y aceite a gusto. Conserve en la heladera por 7 dias.
Seasoning to prepare Chimichurri. It is used to season legumes, fish, hamburgers, pickles, pickles, meats, roast, achuras.
Ingredients: ground chili, dehydrated garlic, parsley, oregano, paprika, salt and bay leaf. It is not spicy.
How to prepare a good chimichurri: place a part of Chimichurri, a part of water and a part of vinegar in a bowl or jar. Let the seasonings hydrate. Add salt and oil to taste. Keep in the fridge for 7 days.
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