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Gourd made with Palosanto, a traditional argentinian wood. Very hard and beautifully smelling. Must be cured very carefully!


Disclaimer: this is a hard wood gourd which means  A LOT OF CARE must be taken when curing it. You must apply butter or oil and leave it for a day to be absorved. You also need to cure the gourd for a minimum of 4 days before using it.

Please note Tienda Pachamama takes no responsability for breakes or damage that happens during or after curing. We provide you with instructions on curing the gourd as a guideline but it's your responsability to cure your gourd. Gourds are vegetable products and longer curing times may be required for some gourds.

By purchasing this gourd you accept the full responsability of curing it properly. Please note we don't give refunds or exchanges for gourds that are broken or damaged during of after the curing process.

If you have doubts we suggest purchasing one of our gourds that don't need curing such as Gauchada Barrica or any of the glass or ceramic gourds.

Mate (gourd) made with Palosanto

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